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The Lukas Elementary Science and Engineering Fair will be held in the evening on Monday, April 28th from 5:00-6:00 pm and parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to attend. The school portion of the fair will be held on Tuesday, April 29th from 8-10 am. All grade levels are invited to participate.

Click here to sign up for the fair. You'll be prompted for the fair password (ask your teacher for this), your name, teacher, phone number, and email address.
2023 Fair

The Lukas fair will also include an engineering category. Engineering projects can involve designing, building, analyzing, modeling, software engineering, or improving a device. You can also test or create materials.

If you are unsure about doing a project, visit the project ideas page to get a sense of the types of projects available. Here is a guide to creating a science fair project, including information about variables, the hypothesis, data analysis and graphs, and formulating a conclusion.

Here are some tips for your science or engineering project display boards


How do I log in to my project?

Once signed up and after you receive your project password in an email, go to MY PROJECT to type in information about your project. Let the science experiments and engineering begin!

Why Do I Have To Use This Website?

The purpose of this website is to make it easy for your teacher to review/approve your project idea as well as monitor the progress of your project. Each project is divided into three phases (where you provide information about your project), and your teacher must approve each phase before you can advance to the next one.

If you have questions, please contact us.